Tuesday 8 January 2008

Saluti da Perugia

Just a quick post to say that all is well here - I've done most of the paperwork and my first class starts at 8am tomorrow.I'll have to do an update when things settle a bit more.

Some things in Perugia are still the same - frustrating lines at the Student Office at the Uni, sales on at Donna Piu', Benetton and Segue (which make me think of the 3 CWs), good coffee at all of the favourite haunts - not that I have tried them all yet, but I will soon! Perugina signs everywhere, the beautiful view from the gardens near Piazza Italia towards Assisi, the Carousel near the Coop - but no ferris wheel....it's nice here. I'll just have to sort out how to load on some pics and all will be well.

A presto!

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